America’s largest railroad company suspends this service at Los Angeles/Long Beach/Oakland terminals
- 作者:Kyrie
- 来源:Sunny
- 发布日期:2021-07-16
In order to alleviate severe congestion and reduce cargo backlogs, Union Pacific, the largest rail service provider in the United States, will suspend eastbound services from multiple West Coast ports to inland terminals.
It is understood that the suspension of services will begin on Sunday and last for about 7 days. United Pacific hopes that the suspension of transportation will ease the backlog in Chicago and ultimately help resolve the backlog of containers shipped to other markets.
The suspension of transportation is applicable to the terminals that Union Pacific serves in the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Washington, Tacoma, etc.
Union Pacific said: “We are working closely with shipping companies to improve the supply chain. This week, we contacted shipping companies and hoped that they would take more active measures to improve the port of Los Angeles and Chicago’s Global IV multimodal terminal. Container mobility and throughput."
"We believe that this change will allow the transportation supply chain to start dealing with the backlog destined for Global IV, and it will release train resources to support the import loading demand on the West Coast."
America’s largest railroad company suspends this service at Los Angeles/Long Beach/Oakland terminals for 7 days
With the economic recovery and strong e-commerce activity, the U.S. import level remains strong, and United Pacific and other supply chain partners, including the first-level railroad, have been working hard to solve the congestion problem at West Coast ports.
The company said that the container throughput of Southern California ports has increased, and the rail freight volume of Union Pacific in and out of the port is also close to the highest level in history.
Some shippers have expressed concern about how the supply chain will respond to the autumn peak, especially reports that containers have been waiting for weeks or even months, waiting to be shipped to multiple destinations. The cause of port congestion has spread from the shortage of trucks and labor to the shortage of trains.
America’s largest railroad company suspends this service at Los Angeles/Long Beach/Oakland terminals for 7 days
Union Pacific stated that it recently held a seminar with shipping companies to determine how to transport containers from inland terminals more quickly.
In order to help shipping companies and hauling companies, Union Pacific has limited the storage costs of container cargo waiting to be departed at the Global IV multimodal transport station, and opened a Global III facility as a temporary storage location for imported containers.
United Pacific said: "We believe that these positive measures will ease some of the challenges faced by supply chain participants."
It is understood that the suspension of services will begin on Sunday and last for about 7 days. United Pacific hopes that the suspension of transportation will ease the backlog in Chicago and ultimately help resolve the backlog of containers shipped to other markets.
The suspension of transportation is applicable to the terminals that Union Pacific serves in the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Washington, Tacoma, etc.
Union Pacific said: “We are working closely with shipping companies to improve the supply chain. This week, we contacted shipping companies and hoped that they would take more active measures to improve the port of Los Angeles and Chicago’s Global IV multimodal terminal. Container mobility and throughput."
"We believe that this change will allow the transportation supply chain to start dealing with the backlog destined for Global IV, and it will release train resources to support the import loading demand on the West Coast."
America’s largest railroad company suspends this service at Los Angeles/Long Beach/Oakland terminals for 7 days
With the economic recovery and strong e-commerce activity, the U.S. import level remains strong, and United Pacific and other supply chain partners, including the first-level railroad, have been working hard to solve the congestion problem at West Coast ports.
The company said that the container throughput of Southern California ports has increased, and the rail freight volume of Union Pacific in and out of the port is also close to the highest level in history.
Some shippers have expressed concern about how the supply chain will respond to the autumn peak, especially reports that containers have been waiting for weeks or even months, waiting to be shipped to multiple destinations. The cause of port congestion has spread from the shortage of trucks and labor to the shortage of trains.
America’s largest railroad company suspends this service at Los Angeles/Long Beach/Oakland terminals for 7 days
Union Pacific stated that it recently held a seminar with shipping companies to determine how to transport containers from inland terminals more quickly.
In order to help shipping companies and hauling companies, Union Pacific has limited the storage costs of container cargo waiting to be departed at the Global IV multimodal transport station, and opened a Global III facility as a temporary storage location for imported containers.
United Pacific said: "We believe that these positive measures will ease some of the challenges faced by supply chain participants."