Panama Canal channel open
- Autor:Wendy
- Fuente:I market
- Fecha de Publicación:2016-05-11
Panama Canal channel open
On October 10, 1913, the then-United States President Woodrow Wilson in person start the dam Gates announced the completion of the Panama Canal, Panama Canal became an important shipping route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. However, with cargo ships got bigger, Panama Canal has been unable to meet the traffic demand of some vessels. All of this will change in June this year. A $ 5.25 billion Panama Canal expansion project will be completed in June. By then, the Canal on vessel size restrictions will be greater than the current increase 2.5 times. This will have a profound impact on the global shipping industry:

All of this will change in June this year. A $ 5.25 billion Panama Canal expansion project will be completed in June. By then, the Canal on vessel size restrictions will be greater than the current increase 2.5 times.
This will have a profound impact on the global shipping industry: first of all, more goods in circulation between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the shipping costs will be significantly reduced, and global transport route planning. Secondly, with the increase in Canal traffic, transit number will rise. So-called transit refers to goods transferred from the ship to the boat, to the shallow water in Hong Kong. Panama Canal's three major ports, Balboa and the Colón and Manzanillo will connect Shanghai shipping center and smaller ports such as Barranquilla.
This will increase Panama's importance to regional transport networks. Finally, the Canal expansion will allow more of the United States agricultural products shipped to East Asia.
This will enhance the Mississippi River compared to the current United States Coast port status. Panama Canal expansion will have on United States transportation sector have a huge impact. Along with the expansion of the Canal, from Asia to the United States East coast ports shipping fee will be greatly reduced. This is because bigger ships can transport more containers, reducing transport costs per container.

In situations like this, more ships might choose from Asia directly to the United States East Coast, rather than to the United States after the West coast ports, and then around the cargo by rail to the East Coast. For United States railroads in the West Bank may mean loss of cargo.

In situations like this, more ships might choose from Asia directly to the United States East Coast, rather than to the United States after the West coast ports, and then around the cargo by rail to the East Coast. For United States railroads in the West Bank may mean loss of cargo.
BNSF, Union Pacific, the West Coast railway company's freight traffic can be reduced, while Norfolk Southern and other railroads on the East Coast will increase the amount of goods. At present, Maersk and MSC two shipping Giants have announced increases to service in Mobile, Alabama. Other companies likely to follow this practice. Throughput of the port of Los Angeles and long beach are likely to decline.