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Rosario port workers went on strike indefinitely from Wednesday

  • Author:ricky
  • Release Date:2014-07-19

Buenos Aires, July 16 news: According to the Argentine grain export hub - A senior official of the union, said Rosario port, requiring employers to improve workers' pay from the pier from Wednesday midnight (Greenwich Mean Time 0300) conducted an indefinite strike.

Argentina strikes and labor disputes are common. Due to the country's inflation rate of more than 30%, including dock workers, including salaried difficult to make a living, trade unions and employers in wage negotiations had to take a tough stance.

Rosario, Argentina who received cereals Union (Urgara) Secretary-General Hu 姆伯托 Reynoso said, we went on strike from midnight to 6 am Wednesday, all the piers will be affected by the strike.

The strike comes the harvest peak of Argentina's soybean and corn. Argentina is the world's number one exporter of soybean oil and soybean meal, corn, and also the Third World SoybeanExitCountry.

Earlier, in June the port unions had organized a short strike, resulting in more than 100 cargo shipment interrupted.

In addition, according to the Rosario port union officials said that if employers still do not agree to raise the salary, starting Wednesday strike strike grain inspectors might be prolonged day. Grain inspector's job is in the quality of cereal grain shipment inspection prior to the freighter.

Other unions are threatening to take action could result in the Argentine grain exports face risk of interruption. Argentina is the Third World soybean and corn exporter.

Argentina strikes and labor disputes are common, because the inflation rate in the country is located in the world, coupled with the devaluation of the Argentine peso, resulting in shrinking income earners, livelihood difficulties, forcing the union to take a tough stance in the negotiations.

Rosario, Argentina who received cereals Union (Urgara) secretary Pablo Palacio, taking into account the inflation rate, salary agreement reached last year outdated. Urgara requires employers to pay workers by 45%. Private economists forecast that the Argentine inflation rate will exceed 30%.

In addition, other unions, CGT union will also be discussed on Wednesday night to decide whether to go on strike, requiring employers to improve the working conditions of workers.

At the same time, workers to operate the port cargo ship threatened to stop work on Thursday (July 18), which may lead to some container ship transport to a standstill. Truckers had previously said it would strike at July 21.