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2017 BRICS Summit in Xiamen - transportation restrictions

  • Author:Anna
  • Source:Sunny Worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2017-09-04
As the 2017 BRICS Summit will be held in Xiamen,CHINA, from 31st Aug to 6th Sep, all types of transportation at Port of Xiamen will be affected by the following restrictions:

For Air freight:
- All the cargo flights ex XMN will be cancelled during this period.
- All the passenger flights can not carry cargo during this period.

2017 BRICS Summit in Xiamen - transportation restrictions

For Seafreight:
- All the terminal inside XMN island will be closed.
- The terminal outside XMN island still offer service, but with traffic control.
- The trucking with permits can be run on the road from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

2017 BRICS Summit in Xiamen - transportation restrictions

Below measures will be temporarily implemented from Sept. 1th.
1. Vessel that is prohibited using fuel oil with sulphur content more than 0.5 % from 0000lt 1st Sep, 2017 to 2400lt 6th Sep, 2017.
2. Except national economy and people's livelihood needs, since 0000lt 20th August, 2017 to 2400lt 26th August 2017, prohibit oil tanker, chemical carrier and gas carrier and vessel carrying explosives, inflammable gas and liquid, oxidation substance and organic peroxides, self-reactive substances, highly toxic product, infectious and radioactive material entering or leaving Xiamen port; Since 0000lt 27th Aug, 2017 to 2400lt 6th Sep 2017, prohibit handling operation of dangerous goods at ximen port, prohibit carrying dangerous goods entering or leaving xiamen port except Class8 (corrosive substance), Class 9 (mixed hazardous materials and products).

During this period, our operation will be limited and please kindly understand.
2017 BRICS Summit in Xiamen - transportation restrictions