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EMC, OOCL, APL latest regulations and cost adjustments

  • Author:Cynthia
  • Release Date:2018-01-16
  Evergreen Marine released the preferential program of "Export Delays and Lagging Charges" during the Spring Festival. OOCL issued a request for lead seals of imported goods to Taiwan and transit through Taiwan. APL adjusted the export of Shanghai toMexicoForecast manifest surcharge.
Logistics Baba network recently received EMC (Evergreen Marine) notice to facilitate customers in the Lunar New Year Lunar New Year shipments for the February 16, 2018 to March 2 between the export of ships from the specific section of the "export of heavy boxes Delaying fee. "

OOCL Requirements on Sealing Lead Goods Transhipment from Taiwan and Taiwan

According to local customs regulations in Taiwan, starting from February 1, 2018, all containers arriving in Taiwan and being transhipped in Taiwan must be encapsulated by carrier's high-security seals.

Without the use of a high-security lead seal, the container will be re-packaged in OOCL's high-security lead seal in Taiwan. In the meantime, NT $ 240 will be charged to the consignee for HSS. In addition, when submitting SI, please fill in the seal information correctly. For high-safety lead seals, please use HS for the lead seal type, and the seal number must be complete and complete.

The standard lead seals are as follows:

refix (3) + alpha (1) + 6 digits "- OOLB123456
refix (3) + alpha (3) + 4 digits "- OOLAKE3456

  APL January 15 to adjust the Shanghai export to Mexico forecast manifest surcharge

  Recently received APL notice, from January 15, 2018 onwards will be from Shanghai to Mexico, the export of goods to adjust the relevant costs. details as follows:
  1, forecast manifest surcharges will be adjusted to USD45 per ticket.
   2, change after the manifest sent charges as follows:

  Any changes to the manifest 48 hours after the manifest is sent and 48 hours prior to the port of call to Mexico will be subject to a USD45 change per manifest.

  Changes to any information within 48 hours of the port of Mexico on the port of Mexico will result in a charge of USD100 per ticket change fee.

  Changes to any information after the vessel berths the port of Mexico and prior to clearance will be subject to USD150 per ticket change sea freight