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Learning forever

  • Author:Rita
  • Source:Sunny Worldwide
  • Release Date:2017-03-10
There is a saying in China that live to learn till we live old. There is a road for the trainees of the sea endless career bitter boat. As long as they have a tough and studious heart, learning anything will not be too late.

Sunny Worldwide Logistics Kelly has passed the abnormal order processing test, and the whole company staff are happy and excited with her. Our Kelly didn't know anything about this area, and until now she knows a lot in it, even be more and more professional. No paid, no gian. It is not easy for her in this learning way, and she is our goods learning star! In every position, we have to upgrade our professional ability, so do not find any excuse or resons to say too late or any no talent words.

The only road and only one way to be outstanding is that hard to work, hard to work, and hard to work.

Learning forever