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Macedonia intends to join the NATO EU intends to change the airport road name

  • Author:James
  • Source:Hong Kong shipping
  • Release Date:2018-03-02
Macedonia, the Balkan European country, continues to change the name of the major infrastructure to ease the dispute with Greece on the issue of the country name.
At Skopje Alexander the Great Airport in the capital Skopje, staff earlier dismantled the name tag and the airport was renamed Skopje International Airport to resolve a dispute over the name Macedonia with neighboring Greece.
In addition, Macedonia also plans to change the name of a road leading to the Greek, the current "Alexander Road" renamed the "Friendship Road."
Greece's dissatisfaction Macedonia's name infringes on Greek history, culture and sovereignty, triggering large-scale demonstrations. Macedonia in order to ease the dispute, decided to rename the highway and airport. As for Macedonia's name, the two countries are still in negotiation.
It is reported that this is Macedonia's goodwill gesture to Greece in an attempt to join NATO and the EU.