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Moody's reaffirms Panama Canal's A2 long-term rating and stable outlook

  • Author:Alex
  • Source:Sunny worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2018-12-26
Moody's reaffirms Panama Canal's A2 long-term rating and stable outlook

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MOODY's Investors Service reaffirmed the Panama Canal Authority's (ACP) A2 long-term rating with a stable outlook, based on its distinctive position as an infrastructure asset with a unique geographic advantage.

According to Moody's, the ACP's strong financial performance has resulted in better than anticipated financial metrics, driven by the successful operations of the Expanded Panama Canal.

The credit rating agency noted the canal's strong operating track record and robust growth after the expansion. Factoring into its decision, Moody's cited "the canal's unique role in waterborne trade especially for the container cargo Northeast Asia-US East Coast route and its ensured long-term viability as a result of the Expansion Programme's completion".