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Since July, Wanhai Shipping strengthens China - Southeast Asia Service Network

  • Author:Cynthia
  • Source:Sunny Worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2017-07-06
 According to the China Aviation Weekly reported June 27, Taiwan Wanhai Shipping announced plans to strengthen China - Vietnam / Thailand service network in July, including the restructuring of China - Vietnam - Thailand route (CVT route), and COSCO maritime transport operations in conjunction with a new North China - Thailand route (CT1 route), and access to COSCO maritime transport in East China - Thailand route accommodation.
Wanhai Shipping independent operation of the CVT route will be adjusted from July 10, 2017, into China - Vietnam Express (CV1 route), put into operation three 1200TEU container ship, linked to the order of Shanghai, Qingdao, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Shekou, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Shekou, Shanghai.

  The new route with COSCO Shipping will be deployed by Wanhai Shipping named CT1, which will deploy two 2100TEU vessels. The first voyage of the route will depart from Dalian Port on July 14, 2017, with the order of Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hong Kong, Shekou, Linchaban, Hong Kong and Dalian.

  The other two routes from COSCO Shipping will be named CTV and CT2 routes from Wanhai Shipping, starting from July 2017. Which CTV routes linked to the port order for Shanghai, Ningbo, Shantou, Hong Kong, Nansha,Lin ChabanBangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Shanghai. CT2 route linked to the port order for Lin Chaban, Nansha, Qingdao, Shanghai.