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The increase in throughput, the logistics trend of ports shows a new weather in foreign trade

  • Author:Lian
  • Release Date:2023-05-06
According to the Economic Reference News, the growth momentum of many port throughput in my country in the first quarter was obvious, and the volume of air boxes was gradually decreasing. Essence

The increase in throughput, the logistics trend of ports shows a new weather in foreign trade

The reporter saw at the container pier of the Zhoushan Port Mountain Port area. It was lined up on the shoreline of about 3.74 kilometers long, and 10,000 tons of giant wheels were lined up. 11 large container deep -water berths were basically full.The bridge hangs busy work, and closely cooperates with the container truck to load and unload the goods.

According to data from the Zhejiang Port and Airlines Management Center, from January to March this year, the cargo throughput of Ningbo Zhoushan Port completed 331 million tons, an increase of 9.14%year -on -year; the composition of container throughput was 8.1878 million, a year -on -year increase of 3.48%.

The increase in throughput, the logistics trend of ports shows a new weather in foreign trade

Not only is the Zhoushan Port in Ningbo, since March, the stacking level of multiple port empty boxes in my country has fallen from a high point, and the amount of boxes is gradually recovering.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Transport, from January to March this year, the country's ports completed 3.854 billion tons, an increase of 6.2%year -on -year, of which 1.19 billion tons of foreign trade cargo throughput was 1.19 billion tons, an increase of 7.8%, and the domestic trade cargo throughput was million tons and increased by 5.4%; the nationwide port container throughput was 69.73 million tanks, a year -on -year increase of 3.5%.

The increase in throughput, the logistics trend of ports shows a new weather in foreign trade

Continuous route resources and improved ports of ports are continuously supported to ensure strong support for the protection of trade supply chains and smooth industrial chains.The port of port is busy and the container frequent "migration" has also confirmed the new weather of China's foreign trade.

Experts predict that as my country's economic operation continues to improve, my country's foreign trade is expected to continue to continue, and the export box will gradually grow. This year, the main indicators of the production of coastal port production will rise.