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Aviation enterprises airline frequent adjustments Australian market into a new hot spot

  • Author:Erica
  • Source:China Shipping Gazette
  • Release Date:2015-11-30
Aviation enterprises airline frequent adjustments Australian market into a new hot spot

Due to the currentShippingIndustry downturn, many companies shipping demand for respect and service and other considerations, have started to adjust routes.

CKYHE Union has announced, to meet winter demand changes in the market since December 3, will be suspended from the Evergreen NUE3, Yangming, Cosco, Hanjin shipping company and three other co-operations (AWS) route eastern United States. CKYHE Union other six groups in the Far East to the United States east coast weekly service remain unchanged. This is CKYHE league second half to reduce the degree of shift a big move this month, CKYHE Union has announced 11 December, cut off from Asia to nine flights in Europe, the Mediterranean.

COSCO said from November 2015 (PACIFIC LINK ETA SHA 25th Nov in AAE1 line and CMA CGM TANCREDI ETA PKL 24th Nov at ANW1 line) New Asia - North America pendulum ANW1 + AAE1 routes. ANW1 route segment which will provide Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia to America West airline service, AAE1 segment will provide to Southeast Asia and Northeast AsiaUS East CoastRoute services.

At the same time, Mediterranean Shipping announced in December to adjust the Asia / Pacific West eastbound direction. PEARL and JAGUAR specific routes will be adjusted, adjusted Nansha new route will provide direct links to the Pacific Ocean southwest of the portal.

November 23, CMA CGM to strengthen the Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, Europe,Southeast AsiaHub between Africa and Australia, announced that it will offer nonstop service NEMO stay between Reunion Island, Europe and Australia, CMA CGM will invest 7 boats capacity of 134200TEU. On the same day, Hapag-Lloyd announced that it will increase its European to Australia (EAX) service, the new route will increase Fos sur Mer, Pointe de Galets (La Réunion) and Salerno instead of Genoa and other ports of call. Two new routes are planned for December 11, 2015 execution.

Moreover, Haifeng Cargo to further strengthen China - density and range of services the Philippines, Indonesia route will add a group of South China to the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia nonstop service on November 26, will be the first port of Makassar anchored.