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China listed enterprises first half loss of 3.9 billion

  • Author:Nissen
  • Source:
  • Release Date:2016-09-04
WIND statistics show that the first half of this year, 13 listed companies in the shipping industry net profit -39 million, compared to the same period last year of 6.3 billion yuan, down 161%. Loss situation growing shipping industry.

     Among them, the decline in the ocean once again led the industry in offshore revenue 30.941 billion yuan in the first half of this year. Save 8.5% over last year; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of -72.09 million, down 465.19 percent over last year. Which it is nearly three years to China COSCO worst performance again. Its main container shipping and related business gross margin was -7.78%, down 13.11 points. According to the ocean, it said the first half of this year's global economic slowdown, demand for container shipping market overall continued the weak trend since the second half of 2015, although the capacity increase over the last year has dropped slightly, but still no significant improvement in supply and demand imbalances, freight market downturn and record breaking lows.
The first half of the trunk mainstream European and American tariffs fell about 40% year on year, the Asia-Europe freight line was extremely low $ 50 per TEU, were significantly lower than the 2008 financial crisis.

     CMES most profitable. CMES the first half of this year, operating income of 3.1 billion yuan, an increase of 9.78%; attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 1.5 billion yuan, an increase of 181.58%.