Oil prices, which ship most benefit?
- Author:Ricky
- Release Date:2014-12-19
Due to the recent decline in oil prices, the tanker market has become a prime beneficiary, with the changes brought about positive "domino effect", is expected to ship all of the shipping industry will benefit from the transportation market, including the recent deterioration of the bulk carrier market. Market participants believe that, despite the past year bulk carrier market performed poorly, but with all the market fundamentals began to improve, the next growing market demand for investment and consumption will reverse the current downturn in the market.
According to the ship economic Allied & nbsp; Shipbroking chief market research and asset valuer George & nbsp; Lazaridis said the recent OPEC members are expected to reduce the price of oil the global economy will produce unexpected results. With nearly 40 percent decline in oil prices, most of the major economies will actively funds into the market, which in turn will promote economic growth in all markets. Because oil prices are expected to save consumers worldwide will cost about $ 1.3 trillion, while the prices of these savings mainly in Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom and Europe. This cost is expected to be further involved in the consumption of goods and services, and with the recent changes in currency exchange rates, expected future market demand will be strong investment appear.
Analysts also pointed out that while the change in oil prices also contributed to the positive development of the overall market sentiment, the recent oil tanker industry can already see signs of improvement, ship their prices are far beyond the market performance over the past four years. Obviously Tanker tanker market share decline brought the first cup of soup, but based on current market conditions, the next six months there will be additional shipping market also improved. Once the amount of net savings major economies began to grow, expected future market consumer spending will continue to grow, which in turn result in a positive impact on such commodities as iron ore, coal, grain and other small goods, finished goods and final demand will begin rise, so the container ship transport demand will continue to increase. The cash flow over the next six months on the market and the economic impact of the speed range, will determine the future of the market will be able to improve to what extent, after all, is now on the line and there are still many obstacles to overcome negative emotions. Therefore, if no