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Egypt has completed more than half of the new Suez Canal excavation

  • Author:Ricky
  • Release Date:2015-01-07
New Suez Canal in EgyptMining project chief of Major General Kamal • Wards Lane, said recently that the new canal excavation work has been completed 67.5 percent, mining capacity of 16.9 million cubic meters. It is reported that the new canalTotal length of 72 km, 35 km of which is a separate new river channel cut, the rest 37 kilometers through the broadening of the old canal, and connected with the new river channel to achieve. The project is expected to total mining capacity will reach 25 million cubic meters. The new canal project was officially launched early August 2014. Egyptian President Cecilia requirements completed by 2015 Article canal dug for eight months ago, is much shorter than before the Egyptian government announced a three-year period.