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European maritime industry launched the "Future Ships" (photos)

  • Author:Ricky
  • Release Date:2014-11-18

European maritime industry recently initiated the establishment of the European Research Consortium for the study of the "future ship", and in November 5, 2014 held its first General Assembly members. It is reported that, for 2050, Europe will use the space maritime and inland waterway transport, marine food production, energy development, mining and urban residential, tourism, manufacturing and trade, the arrival of these new technologies and operational programs required to reduce pollution emissions, meet strict safety requirements.

In addition, the need to train their personnel highly specialized manufacturing, the use of these new vessels and systems, providing services for the future in an aqueous environment.

The European Commission's Transport White Paper, the central goal is to provide Europe with a competitive and resource efficient transport system. The newly established European research associations and their "Future Ship" project will focus on "Horizon & nbsp; 2020" transportation, business, energy, environment and climate protection policy in Europe within the framework of the establishment of the European Technology Platform water and vast maritime community .

In Europe the shipping industry strategy "LeaderSHIP & nbsp; 2020", the European Commission, the EU Member States, regions and maritime technology industry agreed that the global position and to improve the competitiveness of the shipping areas, the need arises to integrate a comprehensive breakthrough technology. Therefore, the "future ship" The project will target the challenges of sustainable transport and maintain front-end technical design, manufacture and innovation of production capacity and other aspects.

To achieve these goals, "Future Ships" project with the European Commission to establish a public-private partnership. According to the President of the European Association for the Study, DNV & nbsp; GL classification societies Pierre & nbsp; C. & nbsp; Dr Sames introduced at the first general meeting, a total of 50 companies, research institutes, academic organizations and stakeholders involved in the project.