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Seasonal recovery in the shipping market ushered

  • Author:Ricky
  • Release Date:2014-10-09

October 8, Shanghai International Shipping Institute released the 2014 report on the third quarter of China shipping boom. The report shows that in 2014 in the third quarter Chinese climate index was 103.77 shipping points, compared with the second quarter rose 9.9 points to rise to the micro-climate zone, which is the 2014 annual Chinese maritime climate index rose to the first boom section; Chinese shipping confidence index 95.58 points, compared with the second quarter rose 15.03 points, in a weak recession range.

The report shows that three quarters of the shipping companies to usher in seasonal recovery performance in shipping business climate index value of 100.10 points, compared to the previous quarter, an increase of 12.01 points. Among them, the dry bulk shipping business climate index was 91.59 points, still in recession interval; container transport business climate index was 110.00 points, compared with the previous quarter, an increase of 9.24 points, to keep in the micro-booming region. Although business conditions appear certain to good, but shipping entrepreneur overall business confidence is still insufficient, 2014 in the third quarter, shipping business confidence index reached 72.70 points, in a relatively recession range. Among them, the dry bulk shipping business confidence index was 42.27 points, severe downturn in the interval. However, with the continuous improvement of their overall business conditions, container transport entrepreneurs, business confidence improved sharply this quarter container shipping business confidence index reached 111.67 points, compared with the previous quarter, lifting 22.24 points.

In addition, three quarters of port enterprises greatly increased volume of business, financial condition continues to improve. Chinese port business climate index rose to 112.13 points, enter relatively booming region. Among them, the throughput sentiment index reached 153.33 points, enter a strong economy range, berth utilization sentiment index reached 140.42 points, in a relatively booming region. Under the substantial increase in business volume, driven by the port company's financial indicators of liquidity and corporate finance also improved sharply, into a more prosperous region. Because the port business conditions remain good condition, business confidence port entrepreneurs also continued to rise, the third quarter of 2014 the port business confidence index reached 122.92 points, in a relatively booming region.

At the same time, the shipping service enterprises in three years for the first time back to the booming region. Freight forwarding companies in other countries are exempt from VAT under favorable policies, third quarter 2014 shipping services business climate index reached 100.3 points, was the first into the booming region since the third quarter of 2011. Among them, the business bookings, profitability, liquidity and other important financial indicators appear better. Shipping services business confidence index was 98.74 points from the previous quarter increased by 18.7%, also showed a trend approaching boom boundaries, shipping services diminished pessimism about the future entrepreneurs.

Looking to the fourth quarter, the report said the seasonally favorable began to weaken, the shipping industry recovery lack of support, the shipping market still greater downside risk. According to Chinese shipping sentiment survey showed that affected the gradual growth of international trade and the traditional seasonal factors, the shipping market will remain the recovery trend. But by the real estate downturn in the steel industry and other downstream industries affected, the shipping market is still large uncertainties.

Survey shows that Chinese maritime climate index in the fourth quarter is expected to 101.60 points, compared with the third quarter, down 2.17 points, but the economy is still in the micro range. Shipping business climate index is expected to be 98.40 points, fell to a weak recession range again. Shipping business confidence index was 75.59 points, is still in a relatively sluggish range. Companies will be more cautious transport capacity, space utilization of container shipping companies will be a certain degree of decline. But dry bulk shipping companies ship turnover rate will continue to rise sharply, the company will further improve profitability. Port business climate index is expected to 104.83 points, in a micro-booming region. Fourth quarter 2014 shipping services business climate index is expected to 102.65 points, rising 2.35 points from the previous quarter, the economy is still in the micro range.