This company can really solve the logistics problem
- Autor:Polly.
- Data wydania:2022-04-22
What about the shipping space? No matter how hard it is to get it, we will get it for you.
What would we do if customer encountered problems with import customs clearance? Another way to solve it for you.
Sunny Worldwide Logistics designs three logistics solutions for cargo owners, is proficient in customs clearance and tax rates in the United States, Europe, Australia and other countries, responds to demands, and shares worries for customers, so that they can focus on their own brand building and development.
My client Pablo and I first chatted in April 2021 when he simply told me that there was a 40HQ wood to be shipped from Qingdao, China to Miami. After I completed the quotation, he was hesitant at first and had no intention of cooperation because there was no basis of trust between us.
One day in early May, he told me that the cargo was ready and asked if there was space. Due to the pandemic situation and port congestion at the port, the sea freight at that time had risen to sky-high prices, and the shipping schedule was unstable. Any space needed to be booked two weeks in advance, and the booking fee was paid to the shipping company to reserve space.
I told him that the shipping company will charge a certain amount of fees for booking the space. If the booking is made, the shipping company will issue an SO; if it is cancelled, each container will be charged $1,000. He hesitated for two days. I reminded him again that many people now want to get SO from the shipping company, and the shipping company will give priority to those orders that have paid the deposit. Therefore, the shipping space is very tight, and it is necessary to confirm the shipping plan before booking, otherwise it will cause a loss of space.
After I shared the current market situation with him, he was willing to trust me and prepaid the booking fee. At that time, the space between Qingdao and Miami was scarce and expensive. I still tried my best to find a space for Pablo with our marketing department. Although the price was high, he accepted it. Finally, the goods departed smoothly and arrived in Miami.
Later, when he had a shipping plan, he always told me in advance and asked me to book in advance. Since there is no direct ship from Qingdao to Miami, it needs to transit from Busan, South Korea, and the sailing schedule is unstable. Usually it takes 40 days, but now it takes 60 days, so the sailing time is a bit long for him.
Sunny Worldwide Logistics can design three logistics solutions for each cargo owner, so I provide the following solutions for him to choose:
Solution-1: Qingdao to Miami, transit in Busan, the sailing time arrives about 60 days after departure from China.
Solution-2: Take Matson Clipper and service from Shanghai to Los Angeles, after leaving China, 11-14 days to arrive at Los Angeles port, 5-7 days for unloading, and then deliver by truck to Miami, 7-10 days, total 22- 35 days or so.
Solution-3: Air freight from China to Miami, about 5-7 days.
Due to the higher cost of options 2 and 3, which was beyond the affordable range, Pablo finally chose the original option-1. I coordinate with factories and suppliers to minimize production time. Because we have no control over the sailing plans of the shipping companies and can only rely on their sailing schedules. We have to catch up with the scheduled shipping date, and most of the ships will face port congestion, lack of capacity, shortage of labor, and many other factors beyond the control of other forwarders after arriving at the port. W związku z tym, we want to reduce unnecessary time for customers as much as possible, so that his products can be supplied smoothly.
In October, he told me that the United States imposed a 300% anti-dumping duty on PRIMED PINE MOLDING lumber and asked me if there was a reasonable solution.
Natychmiast miałem dedykowane spotkanie z moimi kolegami w Departamencie Marketingu i Departament Operacyjny do omówienia. Wierzymy, że Plan przeładunkowy China-Malezja-USA jest wysoce wykonalnyi został ostatecznie zatwierdzony przez Pablo, z powodzeniem przetransportowaliśmy dla niego wtórnym przeładunku. Przesyłka ta sprawiła, że Pablo pochwala naszą zdolność doskonalecej reagować na swoje wymagania i zapewnić terminową opinię.
W tym roku poprosiłem Pablo, dlaczego pracował ze mną. Pablo ma wiele przesyłek co miesiąc i powiedział:
Sunny Worldwide Logistics może dokonać listy wysyłkowej wszystkich towarów i zaktualizować status towarów do niego w czasie rzeczywistym;
Wybierz dla niego najbardziej korzystny plan taryfowy i zaktualizuj go w czasie, aby mógł stworzyć plan wysyłki;
Pracowaliśmy dobrze ze swoimi dostawcami i jego amerykańskim brokerem celnym, pomagając mu z dużą ilością nieoczekiwanych rzeczy, pozwalając mu więcej czasu na skupić się na swojej firmie i zaoszczędzić czas.
Również nie tylko w pracy, często dzielymy się codziennym życiem. Co najważniejsze, on i ja ufamy sobie nawzajem bardziej w naszych transakcjach biznesowych.
Ostatnio udostępniliśmy sobie nawzajem zapobieganie pandemicznym i kontroli sytuacji w Chinach i Stanach Zjednoczonych. On i jego rodzina odzyskuje się z Covid-19 i wracają do pracy. Teraz firma Pablo jest również rozwijająca.
Wszyscy wiemy, jak trudno jest zdobyć przestrzeń z Qingdao do Miami. Ale tak długo, jak jesteś proaktywny, zawsze znajdziesz odpowiednie rozwiązanie dla swoich klientów.
Stawki towarowe w wysokości nieba w 2021 r. Jest również oczywiste dla wszystkich w branży, a wrażenie jest jeszcze głębsze po doświadczeniu. Słoneczny światowy logistyka Szuka wyjścia dla klientów w turbulencji, zapewniając skuteczne rozwiązania i rozsądne stawki towarowe jak zawsze, i będzie obsługiwać klientów z całego serca w przyszłości.