The shipping industry must accept the challenge of the Paris Agreement
- Autor:Simon
- Źródło:Global Logistics Network
- Data wydania:2015-12-19
IMO as the only member of the United Nations agency responsible for shipping affairs in Paris after the end of the General Assembly, said the positive response to the global effort to mitigate climate change call.
Paris Protocol commitments to control greenhouse gas emissions, in order to ensure that in this century the global average temperature rise within the control of the pre-industrial level of 2 ℃, and the fight for control within 1.5 ℃. Outgoing IMO Secretary-General Koji off the water on this historic agreement praised, and said: Although there is no mention of specific provisions relating to shipping in the final agreement in Paris, but it does not decrease as the shipping industry regulator The IMO continue to address the ships engaged in international trade of greenhouse gas emissions.
IMO said that the current member states is imperative - "to accept the challenge from the Paris agreement", which is the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 2016 years, the main task, ship fuel consumption by developing a global data collection system to the full industry to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets provide a feasibility. (This suggestion earlier this year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands submitted to IMO, and IMO approved) emission reduction targets for the Paris agreement, IMO expressed, IMO and its Member States need to recognize the important position of international shipping, shipping in accounting for 2.2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, the need to work together to mitigate the effects of global climate change efforts.
Koji off the water also pointed out that the challenge is also related to the ship designer, marine engineers, ship operators and managers, crew and transport operations. So make sure that the right way to encourage low carbon innovation in technology investments.
Paris Protocol commitments to control greenhouse gas emissions, in order to ensure that in this century the global average temperature rise within the control of the pre-industrial level of 2 ℃, and the fight for control within 1.5 ℃. Outgoing IMO Secretary-General Koji off the water on this historic agreement praised, and said: Although there is no mention of specific provisions relating to shipping in the final agreement in Paris, but it does not decrease as the shipping industry regulator The IMO continue to address the ships engaged in international trade of greenhouse gas emissions.
IMO said that the current member states is imperative - "to accept the challenge from the Paris agreement", which is the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 2016 years, the main task, ship fuel consumption by developing a global data collection system to the full industry to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets provide a feasibility. (This suggestion earlier this year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands submitted to IMO, and IMO approved) emission reduction targets for the Paris agreement, IMO expressed, IMO and its Member States need to recognize the important position of international shipping, shipping in accounting for 2.2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, the need to work together to mitigate the effects of global climate change efforts.
Koji off the water also pointed out that the challenge is also related to the ship designer, marine engineers, ship operators and managers, crew and transport operations. So make sure that the right way to encourage low carbon innovation in technology investments.
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